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Mutsumi Honma

Mutsumi Honma was the 3rd son from the famous Japanese Honma family known for starting world renowned Honma Golf brand in the 1960s.


Honma Golf represents the Ultimate(Kiwami 極)in luxury golf product, with a focus on Craftsmanship(Takumi 匠)and with the quality of each product ensured and sealed with the family name.

Starting 2005 and on, due to global financial crisis and other internal issues Honma Golf was possessed by the banking group and sold; and in recent year it was sold again to a Chinese own company.


Around 2006 not long after loosing of the original Honma brand, Honma family decided to resume their production of high-end golf products, but since they could obviously not use the original brand name/trademarks(HONMA and HIRO HONMA)they decided to use the name of their third son, Mutsumi Honma to resurrect themselves and reclaim their position in the high end Golf Product space

Currently, Mutsumi Honma (HONMA) Golf is the only company in the world that still has the original Honma family members as well as its original founding staff members involved, whom maintain the original company mission in mind: to create the best and most high end golf products in the world

Over the last 18 years Mutsumi-Honma has continued to gain momentum globally. Often referred to as M-Honma or MHONMA, which are abbreviations for Mutsumi Honma. Golfers and fans recognize its MH logo and immediately associate it with Luxury, Elite Quality and Status


Keep an eye out for the letter M in front of Honma to be sure that you are looking at the ture heritage, premium and craftsmanship products that founders from Honma family intended for golfers to enjoy.




#1 Luxury Brand in Golf

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Mutsumi Honma



